April Meeting, Cross Creek The Yearling

April 23rd, 2022|0 Comments

We had a great time for the May scavenger hunt.  The hung began in Gainesville at Westside Park.  We eventually found our way to The Yearling Restaurant in Cross Creek for lunch.  The questions/answers follow:  See the pictures here>> 1: What society do you pass? Christian Science Society 2: What color is the dome house? Blue 3: Where can you play basketball in the shade? A Quinn Jones 4: What a nice street, I’d call it…? Pleasant Street [...]

July 23, 2022 – NCFC SDC Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Derwood at 11:53 p.m. Derwood thanked Stephen for hosting and for providing our meal. There were 40 people in attendance.

Orva gave the treasurer’s report. After writing two checks for expenses ($XX.XX), the balance in our account is $XX.XX

No old business

Martha gave the Zone Meet report, highlights:

  • All rooms at the Best Western are sold out Friday & Saturday. They suggest La Quinta or TownPlace off of Newberry Road as alternatives
  • Shirt design complete, lot cards, window placards, banquet tickets and other paperwork has been designed and/or printed
  • Friday night event catering was discussed
  • Martha passed around sign ups sheets for Friday & Saturday jobs, we still need a shuttle bus supervisor for transportation to the museum on Friday 
  • Please email Martha and sign up to help out where it is needed

Stephen announced that he has retired and that Danny Thomas and Matthew Burnette are the new owners of Stephen Allen’s LLC.

Larry McDaniel thanked Don McCullen for hosting a recent field trip to see Don and Donna’s car collection. Larry McDaniel is working with African American youth (age 9 to 12) this summer to expose them to different experiences. The trip to see the McCullen’s collection was their favorite event.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m.